Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Failed Frugal Moose

For years we have had the Christmas Eve matching jammie tradition.  I personally love it and it brings me absolute joy as a mother.  This year there were many lessons learned in the jammie acquisition process that previous years have left unlearned.  I began my search for affordable matching pj's way back at the beginning of November thinking I would be way ahead of the game.  
I lost this game.

I found a "great" website online to order the pj's from at a price of $3.88 for a pair of pj's!  This was a screaming good deal so I clicked and ordered.  Things went wrong in a hurry.  My credit card was hacked, false charges were made to my account and customer service only speaks Chinese.  We had to replace the credit card and reschedule all of our automatic payments.  When the pajama's arrived I quickly found that Chinamen and Jenson's do not have the same physique.  The pants were appropriately sized until about Michael's pair at which point the bottoms increased in size assuming we were full grown gnomes, not humans.  I originally ordered 9 sets of pj's at a screaming good price but it took all nine for me to remake enough pairs to fit the kids and left Jonathan and I out of the matchy-match party.  I did some awesome stitch work and got pretty good looking jammies for this posse.  We took our festive Christmas Eve matching jammie photos and captured the memory to last forever.

And then I washed my Chinese made, gnome fitting pj's.

And they melted.  I had a hot mess of melted Moose.  Antlers, bodies and hooves became one and when forced to decling I had holes in our pj's.  Holy $3.88 matching jammies Batman. 

But in the moment we gathered, anticipating Christmas morning, the jammies were perfect.  Everything was perfect.  Love, and the twinkles of a child filled the air and there was true joy.  Thick, and full, and real.  The promise of forever as a family filled our home to the brim and life simply could not have been better.

We are eternal.  We are forever.  We are as good as it gets.
Made perfect and possible through Him whom we love.

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