Friday, December 22, 2017

Being Gloria Fretz's Bishop

This year for Christmas the ward decided once again to put together Christmas baskets for members of our ward that were deserving of a little extra love.  Jonathan and I spent several hours purchasing food items and materials for the baskets.  We went to the church to drop off all of the items in the kitchen so they would be ready for the youth to assemble at mutual.  Jonathan isn't able to help carry anything anymore so I lugged all the food inside alone.  On my last load I looked over this sea of heartfelt love and paused, I realized for the first time my season as a bishop's wife is coming to a close.  For 5 Christmases I have stood alongside Jonathan as he has worked with integrity to bless the poor and the needy.  For 5 Christmases I have been his go-to-girl as he has loved, ministered and lifted this time of year... loaves of bread, flower bouquets, boxes, baskets.   Pondering my experiences brought an awareness of approaching closure on this chapter of our lives.  

However, 5 Christmases has brought more than a reason to ponder.  It has dealt the dear bishop an upper hand.  As the boxes were being assigned for delivery there was one box that Jonathan very willingly set to the side assuring others he was happy to deliver himself.

Gloria Fretz's box.

Gloria Fretz is a 92 year old woman that drives a mini-van with rubber duckies covering the entire front dash.  Gloria Fretz is spunky.  Gloria Fretz doesn't miss a Saturday morning church cleaning assignment and brings here own supplies.  Gloria Fretz has had 92 years on earth to reach perfection, chocolatiering perfection.  European chocolatiering perfection.  After serving as her bishop for 5 Christmases Jonathan knew what she was up to this time of year.

And he capitalized.

But pride cometh before the fall.

And he did.  Backwards off of her steps, hitting his head so hard his vision became blurred and he started to shake from shock.  It was the hardest I have seen him fall and his first time falling backwards forcefully.  We have his new leg braces that we picked up yesterday to thank for that gesture.  They help him to stand more erect but they force his weight backwards.  Which quickly becomes problematic when attempting to Christmas carol from a flight of stairs.  Dear Sister Fretz opened the door to a lack of singing and Jonathan lying prostrate in her front yard.  Adam and I lifted Jonathan back to his feet and the little kids sang a song with gusto.  She was so pleased with their singing she threw in another box of chocolates.  Sadly, as we left she informed us that his was her last year of chocolate making and so we would have to savor every bite.  And we did.  Thanks hun for lunging from cement steps for these chocolates.  Even little Anna knows perfection when she see it.

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