Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
G&G's Homestead
Dirt. What more can a kid want that good old fashioned dirt... mounds and mounds of it.
Helping Grandpa do chores.
I have to throw up a few more pictures of Matthew's costume. I made it and was quite pleased... for the most part. However, this frog doesn't say ribbit. It is a very LOUD emphatic RIDD-DIT!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Tricky Treats in Idaho
This is how I really felt.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Mom's at Meetings
Soggy Britches
Monday, October 1, 2007
Maquoketa Caves
There's a lot to see in Iowa. We found a new favorite camping spot - Maquoketa Caves. There are at least 16 caves that you can go exploring in. Some are only large enough to fit a skinny in, others are large enough that they have been the venue for wedding receptions and dances. We hiked, chased frogs, smored, explored and my favorite, made popcorn on the campstove. Mmmm, mmmm, yummy.
I don't say "shut-up." I just don't. Jonathan and I had wedged down into a cave and had our lights on. We had gone as far as we could squeeze with the boys and decided to turn around to head back. Jonathan was furthest in the cave and turned around first to return to the mouth of the cave. When he turned around he shined his light on the cave ceiling just above my head. Then as quiet as can be he says, "Amber, there's a bat right above head." Frozen and petrified I said it... "Shut-up." It was one one of those 'ugh' moments when you think it might be cool, are too scared to look, have flashes in your mind of your children: 1)thinking it is cool and looking calmly at the bat OR 2)freaking about the bat, disturbing it to the point that it releases it's up-side-down self from the rocks and you find yourself wedged in a cave with two screaming children and a flailing bat trying to not permanently disfigure any member of the family on the jagged rocks. I took a deep breath, turned so I could take a quick bat peek and then left with Matthew. Adam and Dad took a longer look and snapped a few pictures. There was no freaking out, the bat didn't move, and now I think it was pretty cool.
Row, row, row
"It's not on sale!"
This reminds me of another classic Adam. Several months ago Adam came into my bedroom early in the morning and laid by me in bed. I had my arms behind my head and was chatting with him when he rolled over and looked strangely at me. Upon noticing dark hair in my armpit (I shave daily, but of course the one day I don't...) he looks with worried eyes toward me and says, "Oh no Mom, you're turning into a Daddy!"
Matthew learned to pray
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Iowa State Fair
Since moving to Iowa, humidity has taken on a very tangible, sticky meaning. Our trip to the State Fair this year can be summed up as follows: hot, sticky, sweaty, stinky, animal smell, people watching, family... FUN!
We had a ball at the fair this year. For the second year in a row our Aunt Becky has gone with us to the fair. Anything that "Aunt Bepee" goes to is twice the rootin', tootin', jolly good time it ought to be. We sure love our Aunt Becky!
This year at the fair the boys loved seeing all the animals. We petted nearly every critter we could get our hands on. Adam especially enjoyed watching the baby chicks hatch out of their eggs and then being able to hold the chicks. That was "amazing!" We got our hands on a little deep fried food, watched people... lots of interesting people, bought some car wax, and spent some time at "Helping Hands on the Farm." That is where most of the pictures were taken.
Before we journeyed home we dropped by the Swine Barn to see the world's largest boar. Talk about a whonkin' lot of pork. I noticed two friendly looking old farmers sitting next to the pen that held the grand champ and asked if they were the proud owners. Not this year, they replied. They had come in second by a few pounds and their fine porker was in the pen right next to the biggest boar. The sign above their boar said it was a crossbreed and upon correctly identifying it as a York/Hamp cross these old farm gentlemen decided I was quite a gal! (I lucked out, that was the kind I raised growing up). After a lengthy chat, they invited me out to their farm in North English about 30 miles from here. They said my little family was welcome there anytime... classic Iowa hospitality... for a gal that knows her hogs.
Another favorite for me at the fair was getting a strong whiff of cow's breath. It sent me into a nostalgic whirl. I was homesick for childhood days of sitting in the front of the beat up old farm truck driving through the pasture while Dad would throw hay off to the cows. While he was pitching hay, the cows would try to stick their heads in the truck window. On cold mornings the warm cow's breath was visible in the truck. I miss those days of driving truck, warm cow's breath, and if we were really lucky... Doublemint gum in the ashtray.
Ah, good memories! . . . I hope the fair becomes good memories for my kids. It's the best they are gonna get for now. Cows and chickens at our place are going to have to wait until after grad school.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Vote Mitt
We did more than vote- there was food, fun and humidity
The Most Expensive Pampered Chef Knife I Will Ever Own
Fair Days
Besides pigs, we took time to see all the other critters at the fair and got our hands on these nifty clown noses. The boys relished them... until they ripped.
Tomorrow we are off to the Iowa State Fair... a little bit of redneck heaven.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
While visiting our Daddy at his out rotation in Spencer we sought a little entertainment and decided to indulge in one of life's delicacies... the smore.
Smelling... smearing...
The four-pronged smore stick... evidence of a more advanced smorster.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
'07 Family Reunion
Matthew deciding he has had ENOUGH!
Minnows eatn' my toes
Each year we trade off hosting the Olsen Family Reunion. It is shuffled between siblings and Mom and Dad. 2007 was the year of "Robin Hood In Sherwood Forest" at Wendy's house. I love getting together with family. The fun begins around 11:00 PM when most of the little possie has crashed and the wild and crazy adults battle into the wee hours of the night. This year we were hooked on the "Train Game" (Ticket to Ride) and Blokus. Ice cream, popcorn and bags of M&M's later we have managed to squander an entire nights sleep away paving track from Belgium to who knows where. But we sure have fun doing it. This years adventures included swimming in Auntie Wendy's pool, boating on Whiskeytown lake; or at least almost boating as we struggled to keep the boat running and eventually gave up for more swimming in Auntie Wendy's pool, getting all 25 of us up, washed, fed, and beautified arriving 15 minutes early for 9:00 AM church (oh, how proud Dad would have been), matinees, shopping, grilling, eating, eating, eating, picking berries along the Sacramento River because according to Ryan "we are all so dang poor we have to go to the woods to pick berries to eat," volleyball, chatting, and more swimming in the pool.
Memories of 2007 Family Reunion:
1. Having 5 of 7 siblings together sans Ma & Pa as they are serving on the Carry the Kettle Indian Reserve in SA, Canada. Missing Lou and Darren's clan.
2. Having the type of relationship with my siblings that would drag me half way across the U.S. to be with them for 3 days.
3. Enjoying Jonathan. It has been 3 years since he has had a vacation... he was wonderful.
4. Riding atop Jonathan's shoulders to glean wild blackberries to feed all us po' folk.
5. Dallas's stained shirt from packing the berries home, don't worry about handing that one down Wens.
6. Whoopin' up on ticket to ride the very first time I played it.
7. Italian chicken and spuds after church.
8. Stroll along the Sacramento River.
9. Watching Matthew chase geese into Wiskeytown Lake.
10. The huge bullfrog at Wendy's front door which is apparently a nightly visitor.
11. Seeing the Schiel gang after a two year separation... 3 girls having turned into women since last seeing them and the courage written across Cindi's face as she wins her battle with cancer.
12. Papercrafting in Wendy's palace, stinky and lovin' it.
13. Adam learned why cousins are so fun.
14. Jonathan climbing at least 25 feet in the air to dislodge Uncle Ron's super-duper beach ball uh-oh.
15. The rainstorm at 4:00 driving to Chicago to catch our plane.
16. Matthew's hysteria on board the plane to Wendy's house.
17. Family