Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Most Expensive Pampered Chef Knife I Will Ever Own

Mom: "Adam, get off the counter becuase baby Matthew will think if you are on the counter, he can get on the counter."

Adam: Silence

Matthew: "Up high, up high!"

Narrator: "At this moment, Mom returns to the pantry to put away food while baby Matthew pushes a kitchen chair to the counter, crawls up on top and plays kitchen knife discovery."

Aunt Becky: "Oh my word!"

Adam: "Dad, come inside fast, Matthew got an ow-ee and there is blood all over!"

Narrator: "After Dad asseses the wound and performs a digital nerve block with lidocaine at home, the family takes a trip to the E.R., returns with 4 stiches and Amber decides to order nothing from her recent Pampered Chef Party"

Matthew: "Ow-ee, Daddy fix it, All better."

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