Sunday, November 25, 2007

G&G's Homestead

The boys with Grandma and Grandpa. The first picture ever taken of them all together.
Matthew fell in love with a little bobtailed farm cat. I have never seen love at first sight like this kid and that cat. It even made it into the pack and play that night... but after a restless few minutes and tearful goodbye Mom shipped the cat back outside where all cats belong.

Dirt. What more can a kid want that good old fashioned dirt... mounds and mounds of it.

Helping Grandpa do chores.
My two boys looking out over the last of the family hogs. Two weeks after our visit, every pig on the place was sold. A legacy my boys will never really understand. Funny, I never thought I'd get teary eyed over bacon, but this one about wrenched my heart out. My Dad said something to me though... "Ams, there comes a time in life, when it is someone else's turn to take care of things. We are only stewards of what the Lord gives us and when our time is done we pass things along." When he said that I realized that when the time comes for my parents to pass from this life, I hope to remember the same thing... their time has come to be cared for by someone else. We all truly belong to the Lord anyway.


Keri said...

How tender & sweet. It looks like your boys had a great time. Sorry to hear about the hogs, but I love your dad's insight. Love your saying at the top of your blog, too.

Heather said...

I teared up, I can't believe that the hogs are gone. Many a fun college Thanksgivings were spent their "riding" those hogs. LOL I'm sad to hear the legacy is over, but it will always be remembered. Aren't you glad you got there with the boys when you did?!?!?