Saturday, May 2, 2020

There Is Much Joy to Be Had

Jonathan's Facebook Post Today:

Day #2:

Living with ALS is challenging to say the least. Every day you find your body just a little weaker than the day before. Simple tasks become ever so challenging until you can't do them at all. There is not necessarily pain from ALS per se, but the process can cause pain - pain in joints from not moving them, pain in the lower back from sitting or laying without the ability to adjust yourself, pain from surgical procedures to have a feeding tube or a tracheostomy placed, and there is a degree of mental anguish.

I never imagined I would find myself confined to a wheelchair without the ability to move, talk, eat, and losing the ability to breathe on my own. But, that has become my reality. The mental challenge becomes learning how to cope with the constant changes in a positive way, and keeping the mind active. I am determined to do so! This life is so glorious in so many ways. There are so many things that we take for granted in life that we don’t even realize until they’re gone. I’m learning more than ever to take note of the little things.

If I might give a suggestion: take a moment during this “pause” of life to notice the little things. Be grateful! Say Thanks a little more! Grab your loved ones and pull them close and hold them there for a minute! Say “I Love You!” Look at the sky during a sunrise or a sunset. Look at the moon and the stars! Take time to notice the leaves on a tree, flowers blooming, birds chirping, and the breeze gently blowing during this beautiful time of year. There is much joy to be had, no matter how challenging we find our circumstances!

#ALSAwarenessMonth #ALS #NoWhiteFlags #FindJoyInTheLittleThings #HopeIsNeverLost

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