Monday, January 26, 2009

So That's My Problem...

I had one of those mornings that caused me to cry before I had even gotten a mile away from home. I sat in the car with my three crying kids bemoaning how difficult it really is to be a mother. I was on my way to the church to deliver food for a funeral and then was lugging all three kids to a visiting teaching appointment 40 minutes away. I was trying all morning to get the house picked up after Jonathan unloaded the remnants of scout camp, had to throw my skirt in the dryer to get out a few more wrinkles and was loading the boys in the truck. I had managed to get them in the truck but not before their coats were covered in mud from the dirty truck. It snowed on Sunday and we had taken the truck to our stake center 2 hours away for a youth standards night. I ripped my skirt trying to get up into the truck and slashed mud across it. Andrew screamed the entire time and Matthew joined in the crying chorus. I ran back into the house to grab the truck keys and couldn't find them anywhere. I called Jonathan to find he had taken them to work and I think I may have left the other set at the stake center the night before. That is still to be determined as they are still not found. After the fiasco getting them loaded I had to unload them and re-load them into the car. This involved the undoing of three car seats and repositioning. All the mean time the tears continue to flow and the funeral luncheon draws closer. After finally getting on our way I had a mom moment. I swore I was done having children, that I would never take them anywhere again, that I would never visit another sister on my visiting teaching route, but send letters until my kids are out of the house. My own tears continued to flow and as I drove a few thoughts entered my mind...

How fortunate I am to have not just one, or two, but three screaming children. Each one a gift from God... especially since a very dear friend goes into tomorrow for IVF implant in hopes that after 11 year of marriage their family can be just one more....
How fortunate I am to have a car and not just one, but a back up for when Dad takes the keys... especially since the family that I was going to visit and teach doesn't have a car for transportation nor have any hopes of affording one.
How fortunate I am to have a husband that has a job where he can race off in the morning with the truck keys in his pocket... that I am sealed eternally to a good man and am not raising these kids alone, a single mom.
How fortunate I am to be delivering food to a funeral luncheon and scurrying off for a visiting teaching appointment and not having to stay and grieve the loss of my father.
How fortunate I am to have a dress to rip... especially since a recent convert in our ward has decided to serve and mission and was called to Russia owning 1 single black skirt to take with her.
How fortunate I am to have snowfall after snowfall after snowfall to get my truck dirty... especially since I have a friend in Africa trying to get water to villages and tribes that go without.

I realized the most difficult part of my life is that I have more blessings than I have room to receive. I have been given anything a person could ask for in this life and yet it seemed this morning to be a burden. Ingratitude was really my problem this morning. Not kids, not keys, not cars, not mud... but a heart unwilling to receive all that our Father in Heaven has blessed me with. Things really aren't that bad. In fact the windows of heaven have truly been opened and I'm standing under them.


Keri said...

Thank you so much for that. It's great to see the human side of you, but you really are one of the best people I know!

Koreena said...

You have such an amazing attitude. I would've just had a major pity party all day long. You're so great!

I must admit, it's actually comforting to hear that you have your hard moments being a mom because you're just the perfect mom in my eyes. Makes me feel like maybe I'm not so rotten after all for having so many times when I question what I've gotten myself into.

Eric & Gretchen said...

Thanks for such a great post. I have to admit I have mom moments too. Thanks for your good prespective. You are really a great example of an "elect lady". You are really about your Father's business.

Sandi said...

I really needed that. I have been feeling sorry for myself lately!

Erica said...

Your boys are so cute! It has been so fun to read about your family. I found your blog through Jessica's. I really appreciate your message, it gives me a better perspective when I have one of those days.

Tamio & Anna said...

That was a beautiful post Amber. I think we all have days like that where we overlook all that we truly have, thanks for the good reminder.

Becky said...

Thanks for your post, it really was touching and I don't even have kids to cry over yet!

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is, AMEN! Amen to all of it. I love you Amber.

Ang said...

Thank you for the healthy reminder that life really isn't that bad even when we think it's pretty bad. There's always someone who has it harder.

Van Tassell Family said...

You are so cute!! I think we have all felt that at one time or another. We are so blessed to have what we have!! Children bring so much joy in to our lives! I loved reading your thoughts. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are doing great. Miss ya

Team Rogers said...

You are such a wonderful person!! I have many of those days, and it takes reading a post like that to help me realize how much I really do have and how grateful I am. Hope all continues to go well with you.

Nicole said...

Well said Amber... you are amazing!

Joseph A said...

Wonderful post, Amber. Thanks for sharing; thanks for the reminder. Apparently you posted it a while ago, but I just read it. :o)

I'm glad things are going well for you, Jonathan, and the boys.