Friday, January 23, 2009


For the past several years I was serving as the secretary in our Stake Relief Society. I was released at the end of the 2008 year and still had the opportunity to compile the history for the Stake Relief Society. I did the history and sent it to the former RS presidency. The RS president sent me an email with this response:

"Oh me, or my. Seeing it in a summary format, really brings it to a close. How can all that we hoped to accomplish in our service last year fit into such a short summary? Not that there is anything wrong with the history you have complied, Amber. It just causes me to reflect/ponder - is this how Christ feels about us as a people. After his short three year ministry, traveling, teaching; and all that he suffered - the betrayal, the garden, the trial, the crucifixion and resurrection - do we (collectively) get the picture."

I found her words so profound. As a stake Relief Society we put together the musical parable "The Ten Virgins." It was one of the most remarkable experiences of my life in learning to trust the Lord and allow His will to be done and not ours. There were so many hang-ups and problems, and hurdles that at several points I thought it would be best to just call the program off. Only He knew the immense impact it would have on the lives of the sisters. I doubted and He pushed me through. I can't explain the growth that came from this one experience and the testimony building I had in learning to 1. Have faith in the Lord, 2. Realize the Lord's ways are not our ways, 3. The Lord's work will be done, man cannot thwart that.

All of this said, as I was compiling the history I put a brief summary of the Stake Home, Family and Personal Enrichment Meeting of "The Ten Virgins." I realized that in such few words, no one would ever know what it was really like and how it all came about and what really happened. Likewise, will we ever know what the Savior experienced? Do we have the capacity to understand? I saw for a very brief moment what the scriptures mean when they say there are not books enough to contain the miracles wrought in the life of the Savior.

How blessed we are to have the Holy Ghost. That allows us to feel what we cannot see, or read, or experience. Yet through the feeling we can know of an absolute uncertainty of truth, of miracles, of healing, of hope.

I marvel.

1 comment:

Ang said...

I just love you for the spiritual giant you. Reading this makes me miss scripture study in our dorm. :)