Friday, January 23, 2009

Rainbow Snacks

I do pre-school at home with my kids. We all like it and some days are better than others. Yesterday was "Penguins." Every time I read the book "Tacky the Penguin" I instantly picture my brother-in-law Ron. He is Tacky and I love the man dearly. Anyway, before penguins we randomly did rainbow snacks. It was fun. We all had fun. During lunch I randomly made up a story to tell to my kids while we were eating. It was about a penguin...he had a name that Adam made up, but I can't think of it now. Mr. Penguin didn't like cold things (which was a problem since he lived in Antarctica) but really wanted something warm. Adam decided he should build a fire. So the penguin sailed in his ice boat to the Green Land where a king lived that wanted ice. Mr. Penguin left his boat of ice, made a boat of lumber and sailed home. They both chopped up their boats and king had 100 freezers full of ice and the penguin had firewood to cook his fish. I guess I am learning a little more spontaneity in motherhood can be refreshing for all of us. I tend to march to the same beat of the same drum. Live life, do a jig now and again... even if your jig is just a few rows of dried fruit, roasted peas and Captain Crunch cereal.

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