Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oh my bubbles!

We have an enormous jetted tub in our downstairs bathroom that never gets used. In fact, since we have lived here I have yet to use it. Call me practical, call me bland, call me what you may, I just haven't jumped in. Last night I felt horrible so Jonathan said it was time at last I used the tub. It was a great idea. I threw in a few bubbles and turned on the jets. Holy smokes. The bubbles kept growing and growing and growing. Once they were flowing over the sides of the tub I decided it was probably time to turn them off. I couldn't stand the thought of so many good bubbles going to waste so when I was done with a soak the boys got their turn at bubble mania. Andrew got his bubble time with me, but it didn't take long for the warm bubbles to take their toll and before long he was falling asleep in the tub. Dad helped the other two munchkins take their bath.


Keri said...

Andrew is so adorable...I could just eat him! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Nicole said...

HOLY BUBBLES!! That looks like a lot of fun, Jared and I were at Lowe's today and I commented that I really want a BIG jet tub someday... the fact that I am practically 9 months pregnant probably had something to do with my fantasy of taking a bubble bath in a tub big enough to hold my largely pregnant body. One and a half weeks left... so I guess any day now (I am making myself crazy thinking that today might be the day but Carter was 2 weeks early and Gage was 3 weeks early). Andrew is SUPER DOOPER cute, I can't believe how big he is already! Happy Happy Birthday by the way!! Hope it was great!

Koreena said...

Happy belated birthday! I LOVE these bubble pictures!

Can I come live at your house? You guys always have so much fun! :)

Sandi said...

Ooooooo [fighting down wave of jealousy] Someday I am getting a big jetted tub.

Natalie and Quin said...

I love the pictures of the boys and Andrew is sooo cute!

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

Hello Jensen Family! I am glad you have a blog Amber so we can check in on you guys. It looks like you had a very white Christmas. I can't even imagine that much snow. And your bubble bath looks like such fun. Lauren would LOVE to have a bath that big and with that many bubbles!