Saturday, October 6, 2012

Priesthood Session Cinnamon Rolls

For many a years my little posse has had a family tradition during the Priesthood Session of General Conference.  Dad leaves and the rest of us make cinnamon rolls and are they ever so goooood.  This is Michael's first experience of being in on the action of whipping up some lovin' for when Daddy gets home.  I think he sat in front of the oven and watched every second of those little rolls of heaven rise in the oven.  Little does he know it is something he will get to look forward to every 6 months for the next 17 years.... 17 NOW THAT MY BOYS CAN LEAVE FOR MISSIONS WHEN THEY ARE 18!  In 15 seconds of revelation from the Prophet I lost a potential 4 years of up-close motherhood.  I couldn't feel more blessed to have 4 sons to raise up to the occasion. 
Hmmmm.... I may have just found a little cinnamon roll symbolism - 

'Rise Up Ye Men of God'


Sandi said...

I was so excited about that too! Especially the age for sisters! It is really going to increase the number of sisters that go.

Fun tradition!

Koreena said...

Awesome tradition. We need something like that in this house.

Sarah said...

What a fun tradition!