Sunday, October 28, 2012

On The Way to Church Today...

I said to Michael, "You are TWO."  Even though he really isn't, he is.  Every human who has ever had any sort of an up close association with a child knows that TWO-DOM shows its first signs at 18 months and is in PEAKED FULL FORCE by the time a two year birthday rolls around.  The child will not keep his shoe or sock on his right foot when we are driving.  I guess I always put both socks and shoes on before we leave the house simply so that when we arrive at our destination I know somewhere in the van is the missing mate.  Occasionally he shows off both sets of piggies, but inevitably always the right.

Michael has also shown signs of an aspiring esthetician.  (Side note, I once had an acquaintance ask what Jonathan did for a living.  I told her he was an anesthetist and in her mind it registered esthetician. I don't know how long it was she thought he made up pretty faces and played with make-up for a living.  It was rather funny to me when we cleared up that little misunderstanding.)  ANYWAY... Michael has combined his facial skills with keen interest in becoming two and in the last 3 weeks has come up with this -

The peanut butter facial, I cut an apple, gave him a little spoonful of peanut butter to dip it in and made one QUICK trip to bathroom folks.

Shaving cream facial.  I have to admit, on this one I just sat and watched him do it.

The dry erase marker facial... He was "playing" in the living room while I was doing dishes.  We had one lingering marker that we couldn't find after playing General Conference Bingo for two days straight and within the next week or so Michael found it all by himself.  He has developed a need to go for the face.

Mascara.  This one I attribute to a mother's need to shower.  I know there are a few of those crazy kinds out there that dare to step behind the glass door while their children are awake.  I am one.  I had no idea Michael could reach high enough to get into my drawer, let alone unscrew the lid off my mascara and apply so liberally.  Wow.  I have to say though, he does have a knack.  He may have missed a lash or two but the little darling didn't get any anywhere but the general location of his eyes.  Bless him for that.

And so you have seen the many faces of Michael throughout the month of October.  And now you also see what I do for a living... scrub.


Sandi said...

Bwahahaha! How dare you attempt hygiene! I shower when they are awake sometimes too. There is always a messy price, it seems.

Koreena said...

Yikes! Sounds so similar to my youngest.