Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quiet evening

So Jonathan is at the hospital tonight taking in house call. He doesn't have to take overnight call away from home very often, but tonight it leaves me alone. I should be hauling in more firewood to fill our wood box for the night, but I don't have to gumption to bundle up and go outside for wood so instead I sat down at the computer. I don't think it is going to get any warmer... I just hope to get a little more gumption. I am thankful to have not had a furnace this winter. The boys have learned to work with their dad hauling wood and it is good for them to contribute to the affairs of the home. I would be lying though if I didn't say that I am overjoyed at the knowledge that next Monday we are having a new furnace installed. The thoughts of having a warm home at a regular temperature make me smile. I look forward to a few beeps and buttons and having warm air. I also look forward to coming home from church to a warm house. I tend to cook dinner in my coat on Sunday's. The fire is usually out by the time we get home from church. However, last Sunday I realized that we had spent a good portion of the day at church. This realization came when I was sitting to feed Michael for the third time that day at the church.

The cat snuck in the house when the boys and I were at a meeting at the school tonight. We came home to water splashed all over Adam's dresser and an empty fish tank. We will work on some replacements tomorrow.

A few of my favorite websites are: and They are worth looking at if you need some fresh ideas.

Andrew went to bed with a fever. He just started crying in his bedroom. I guess this is my call for gumption. Time to love and haul wood. Good night.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Amber, you SOUND like someone with 'gumption'! I love it.

I ran across your blog while getting onto my website,
I'm so grateful you have found my work useful! How did you first see it? I'm also wondering what other connection we have- on your favorite blogs list, I found a VanTassell family (in Jerome). Uncommon name. My aunt is a VanTassell, and I grew up on VanTassell Ranches, our farm in Tabiona (UT). If you want to email, my address is
I hope your boys are all better now!