Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quiet evening

So Jonathan is at the hospital tonight taking in house call. He doesn't have to take overnight call away from home very often, but tonight it leaves me alone. I should be hauling in more firewood to fill our wood box for the night, but I don't have to gumption to bundle up and go outside for wood so instead I sat down at the computer. I don't think it is going to get any warmer... I just hope to get a little more gumption. I am thankful to have not had a furnace this winter. The boys have learned to work with their dad hauling wood and it is good for them to contribute to the affairs of the home. I would be lying though if I didn't say that I am overjoyed at the knowledge that next Monday we are having a new furnace installed. The thoughts of having a warm home at a regular temperature make me smile. I look forward to a few beeps and buttons and having warm air. I also look forward to coming home from church to a warm house. I tend to cook dinner in my coat on Sunday's. The fire is usually out by the time we get home from church. However, last Sunday I realized that we had spent a good portion of the day at church. This realization came when I was sitting to feed Michael for the third time that day at the church.

The cat snuck in the house when the boys and I were at a meeting at the school tonight. We came home to water splashed all over Adam's dresser and an empty fish tank. We will work on some replacements tomorrow.

A few of my favorite websites are: and They are worth looking at if you need some fresh ideas.

Andrew went to bed with a fever. He just started crying in his bedroom. I guess this is my call for gumption. Time to love and haul wood. Good night.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Michael's Blessing Tux

Jonathan's mother is wonderful x's 10. For each of the boys she sews the most adorable little white tuxedo for their blessing day. I have loved dressing each of the boys in their tux's. I will never forget when Adam was blessed in Provo hearing my nephew Tyson lean over to his dad and say, "He looks like a little composer." A handsome little composer may be a more accurate description. I would toast this little guy and eat him with jam if I could. I just love the little peanut.

I LOVE Andrew's Hair

This is my poor child that walks with a continual spike atop his precious head. His two cowlicks collide up top on the peak of his head and point straight to heaven. Occasionally when he wakes in the morning he has a few others that have joined in on the fun. I love seeing him come walking into the kitchen with bed head. It makes me smile every time. How can you not love this noggin'. (The orange juice in the eye interrupted our usual jovial morning.)

30... right on track

Growing up I envisioned what turning 30 would be like and I have to admit it is everything I imagined it would be. My oldest sister Cindi always refers to my phase of life right now as "being in the trenches." That is exactly it... living, loving, and thriving in the thick of raising 4 strippling warriors - with the eternal bonus of their Dad by my side. With utmost gratitude I must say that at 30 I am living the life I always dreamed. And feel honored to do it.

My birthday cake this year consisted of the last cupcake left from the refreshments we took to a baptism. It was German Chocolate so I was happy. We skipped candles this year. That's what happens when you turn 30.

I did get two of my very favorite things... slippers that I wear everywhere everyday. I got some last year for my birthday and have worn them out. These beauties are this year's replacement. I hate the feeling of walking on miscellaneous treasures on the floor. Crumbs on my socks makes me crazy and so does walking in wet spots. I keep my toes toasty and my socks free and clear - even in the dead heat of August.
My second favorite is Bath and Body Works yummy smellies.
Grandma wrapped a gift for me which was a beautiful journal and picture. The homefront hid the gifts in a duffle bag and pulled it out for the party. Jonathan is usually a meticulous and BEAUTIFUL wrapper. However, this year he was working like a dog getting a new sub floor laid in our hall bathroom and didn't get things wrapped. I reassured him I would much rather have a toilet than pretty paper.

Note: I am still waiting for a pink towel to call my own.