Friday, May 7, 2010


I have never been as ill in my life as I have been the past 4 weeks. Since moving to Iowa I have developed catastrophic allergies. Not just the itchy watery eyes allergies, but the take over your entire life, close off you airways, do not sleep for 3 weeks, eyes swollen shut, develop bronchitis, strangers on the street ask if you are okay allergies. It has been down right, miserable. This is a picture of me going outside. In case you are wondering those are swimming goggles and yes, I'm wearing a tuberculosis mask. It is almost more than I can take to be inside so on occasion I brave the spring that has sprung and step out of doors. Take something for them you say... Oh, I have trust me I have. You can see how well prescription drugs work.

I must admit, the month of April has been extremely humbling for me. I have realized that even the mama has limits and it is okay to say no. Before being SOOO sick I had agreed to make all of the costumes for Adam's school play, "The Beautiful Butterfly." That was much more time consuming than I had anticipated. I also had agreed to watch a friend's little girl for 6 weeks while she covered maternity leave for a gal. My plate was a lot too full and I was sick and spread thin. It reaffirmed for me the importance of staying focused of the weightier matters of being a mother. Simple things like laundry and dinner aren't as simple as they appear when they all go undone for days in a row. Scrubbings toilets and cleaning showers really is of value. The vacuum is a beautiful tool when it is used. Most importantly, the blessing of health and being able to work long hard days is so often counted as a curse and not a blessing. I feel so blessed to have had my paradigm refocused.


Koreena said...

I'm so sorry! That sounds just miserable! I get allergies pretty badly but nothing like that!! I'll be sure not to complain tomorrow as I vacuum my house and just appreciate that I have the health to do it. I hope they're able to find SOMETHING out there to help you not be so miserable!

Sandi said...

Wow, how awful! My husband gets allergies really bad too (though not THAT bad) so next week he is going to an allergy clinic. He will get a $1200 test done to tell us everything he is allergic to, and then we hope he will be a candidate for biweekly allergy shots ($500 for a year) to help control the symptoms. Maybe something like that would work for you.

Ang said...

So sorry to hear about your darn allergies. No fun at all! It's about time you learn to say no my friend! I've always admired you for your willingness to bend over backwards for anyone. But we do have our limits. I myself learned that the hard way. Keep your chin up. You're an awesome mom, wife, friend, and just all-around person! Miss you..