Sunday, May 16, 2010

Its a Guy Thing

There is something about a John Deere that speaks to the soul of man. From the earliest recognition of the sound of a mower each of my "4" boys have been addicts. What is it about the ridder that draws them... well I don't know I'm not a man. HOWEVER, I do know that that old Deere is a saint of a babysitter.

We have officially outgrown Dad's lap so we now tow the clan on mow days.
Is this not the face of bliss?
Hey! What's all of the raucous about and where did the lull go? The littlest lad usually crashes aboard the Deere. After several years experience we have found they are able to outgrow the lull, but a man this small rarely departs awake.
Who woke me up!


Ang said...

Love it. What a cute little guy!

Koreena said...

That's so fun! What great memories they'll have of riding around with Dad. :)

Natalie and Quin said...

Ha! I love it. Quin would be in heaven if we were able to get a John Deere riding lawn mower!