Monday, May 17, 2010

Blank Park Zoo

Jonathan had an IANA (Iowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists) Meeting in Des Moines a few weekends ago. We decided instead of letting him go alone we would tag along as a family. The kids and I spent the day at the zoo while Daddy-O spent the day at meetings. I found it was a little tricky herding 3 kids and running a camera and stroller at the same time, but I managed to get a few pictures.

While we were in Des Moines we stayed at the hotel that Jonathan's conference was held at. It had lots of yummy food and a pool. We swam and swam, ordered pizza to the room and even got to watch some T.V. shows. The boys were thrilled to death to have a T.V. with cartoons because it has been a really long time since they have watched anything besides a DVD. We had a splendid good time. Andrew was in love with the glass elevator and the thrill of riding up and down from the 6th floor to the pool on the bottom floor. We had a great enough time we might just tag along for the next IANA meeting.


Sarah said...

What cute boys! and how fun for you!!

And yeah, I usually leave my camera at home with all 3. Either that, or only get in a couple pictures!

Sandi said...

Glad you all got to go. Hotels are so fun for kids.