Thursday, July 16, 2020

Neowise Comet

We went swimming as a family this afternoon with some friends.  While it was wonderful to be out and about on a hot summer afternoon, it pulled at my heart to have Jonathan sitting on the sidelines as an onlooker.  Once a lifeguard, member of the high school swim team, and extreme lover of water I knew he would give anything to take a dip.  I asked him if it hurt his heart, and as usual he said he was fine - no self pity.  Willing to watch while the rest of us played.

Tonight after family prayer and scripture study Jonathan mentioned that we would probably be able to see the comet in the night sky.  We all piled outside to gaze upward.  I am proud to say that I was the wife-extrodinaire that spotted the comet in the night sky.  We all used binoculars to focus in on the comet and see the long trail of light following after it.  I tried desperately to get the binoculars to focus for Jonathan.  We tried with and without his glasses and moved and focused and tried subtle tilts to allow him to see the comet.  It wasn't working.

Swimming and the majesty of the sky are in this man's soul.  I wanted him to at least have a taste of them.  0 for 2 is not a winning day in my mind.  The tribe slowly trickled back inside and I went after my camera and tripod.  I petitioned the heavens to help me get a picture of the comet for the man that I love, and then I climbed on top of the motorhome.  The comet was disappearing between trees and rooftops, but I got a picture to share with him.

Neowise Comet
Big Dipper


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