Wednesday, April 8, 2020

No more a stranger, nor a guest, but like a child at home

While living in Iowa over a decade ago I got my very first smart phone.  I remember specifically telling Jonathan I didn’t really want one because I could foresee it being a distraction as I cared for our kids.  I saw myself being sucked in and spending time staring at my phone instead of watching our kids be kids.  It was actually a real concern for me.  Who could imagine having the ability to check your email at any instant and have the internet in your pocket at all times?  That sounded dangerous.  I remember very clearly feeling uncertainty about the vice in my hands.  But, Jonathan saw it differently.  Which is usually the case.  What he saw was a tool.  He saw potential.  Reluctantly, I conceded the cell phone battle and we purchased a smart phone for this mama.

I slowly fumbled to find the good in owning a smart phone.  I discovered one day that I could select a song as my wake up ring tone.  While I was on the treadmill this morning, this song played and it brought back the memory of the first morning it became my wake up call.

In the still of that morning the song began.  Startled that I actually managed to make my phone operate, and feeling bad to have it playing early, I quickly went to shut it off.  Jonathan, even quicker, reached for my hand and held it back.  “No,” his groggy voice said.  “don't turn it off.”  And he pulled me closer and nestled me in.  Huddled under blankets we laid there listening to this song together... until loudly at the end the dynamic crescendo calls you to GET UP.  
That moment is so clear in my mind.

Mr. Jenson,  has always seen our capacity to harness light and intelligence
and use it for good.
He teaches me this daily.

Cell phone in hand, now as my constant companion, I listen to this song regularly.

"My Shepherd Will Supply My Need"

My Shepherd will supply my need
Jehovah is His Name
In pastures fresh He makes me feed
Beside the living stream
He brings my wand'ring spirit back
When I forsake His ways
And leads me, for His mercy's sake
In paths of truth and grace
When I walk thru the shades of death
Thy presence is my stay
One word of Thy supporting breath
Drives all my fears away
Thy hand, in sight of all my foe
Doth still my table spread
My cup with blessings overflows
Thine oil anoints my head
The sure provisions of my God
Attend me all my days
O may Thy house be mine abode
And all my work be praise
There I would find a settled rest
While others go and come
No more a stranger nor a guest
But like a child at home

1 comment:

Virginia Jenson said...

Amber and Jonathan, I just found your blog tonight that contains earlier posts. My heart is so full of love for you and your family. Amber thanks so much for creating this blog and sharing memories of my sweet wonderful son and the loving father he is to his children. I smile at the pictures you post of both your smiles and how the love radiates between the two of you as a couple as well as the smiles you bring to your children. The eternal perspective you live and share with your family is remarkable. I love, love, love seeing my Oregon family since we live so far away from you. You are such wonderful loving parents to your children. I love the joy Jonathan expresses in smiles and movement as his mastered twists and turns in his wheelchair enables him to always be on the move. Somethings never change—Jonathan was a mover and entertainer from birth, always making life one continuous motion🤣🤣🤣. I guess that is why he holds a national title in clogging. You see his feet were always moving or his voice always singing. I can just imagine how active his brain is trying the best he can to manipulate his chair to the rhythm he hears and feels in his head🤣🤣🤣.
Amber, you are remarkable in all you accomplish. Taking care of Jonathan is a full time job as well as caring for our beautiful grandkids. Taking the time to journal, blog, teach, serve and spread cheer is so uplifting and inspiring. I don’t know how you get any sleep. Do take good care of yourself, which I know is hard to do because of putting others first. Jonathan is and always has been a perfectionist and this is definitely true in the eternal companion he chose. We are so blessed that you’re also ours! Thanks son for choosing the perfect ONE!!!!
Sending love, hugs and kisses by air🌬