Sunday, September 22, 2019


It is the reverence of this Sabbath afternoon that I want to bottle.  Jonathan’s favorite meal of roast and mashed potatoes adorn the table this afternoon.  The tribe came in chaos and in deafening tones, devoured their plates of food and then left to play a board game.  I sit next to Jonathan at the kitchen table.  His grey Sunday suit covered with a dish towel and his plate of food slowly disappearing.  He eats small bites and chews and chews and chews.  The peace of music playing softly either by Adam on the piano or Alexa- Adam is mastering the piano and he fills the inner soul of the home with the sound he creates.  Jonathan requested O Magnum Mysterium from Alexa.  He used to sing this song with the BYU Men’s Chorus at college.  Dinner will take over an hour for Jonathan to eat.  He eats the roast and mashed potatoes and corn, but passes on the watermelon because the unpredictable gushes of watermelon juice in his mouth and down his throat make him choke.  There is so much to be thankful for.  Another Sabbath with this good man at my side, eating something that brings him joy while he still can, and there is joy.  Simple, peaceful joy.  Today during Stake Conference Adam sang in a group of 9 men.  I watched him sing and listened to him harmonize and was so proud of that kid.  It hit me like a ton of bricks how he is filling his Dad’s shoes.  And how pieces of his father have been passed on to him and he carries them forth brightly and nobly.  I looked down the pew at these seven kids we created and my heart swelled like a mama heart does when she sees for a moment what a glorious thing it is to look upon what you created that will last forever.  I am so thankful for these kids.

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