Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today's two favorite conversations

Conversation #1:  Michael discovered a really fun new way to play with his plastic army men.  He loads them into a mini frying pan and takes off running with them.  Andrew, recognizing the exquisite joy that is being had in this new found game REALLY wants a turn cooking up toy soldiers.  So as Michael reenters the kitchen Andrew approaches him and in his sweet as honey, high pitched, nicest big brother ever voice willingly throws himself under the bus for Michael's sake and well being and says, "Michael, do you want me to hold these for you so you can go and play with another toy?"  Michael paused, "Ummm, nope."  And off he ran.  Jonathan and I got a good laugh out of it.

Conversation #2:  Tonight while Jonathan was tucking the two big boys in bed, "Okay boys, get to bed.  I love ya.  You need to get some sleep so we can be up early because I'm taking you to school again tomorrow.""...YOU ARE!!??," they reply.  "Yea, but this time let's not get pulled over by the cops okay?"
I do have to hand it to the man.  He has driven the boys to school maybe 5 times the entire year.  I have been dead dog sick with strep throat.  Jonathan hadn't sleep more than 5 hours in 48 hours, had been at work until 1:30am only to be greeted by a bright eyed child that was AWAKE when he got home and didn't want to sleep, only to be called back to the hospital before sleep had settled in and scurried home by 7:30 am because his fever stricken chill ridden wife hadn't been out of bed for 2 days and he wanted her to stay there and not have to take the boys to school.  The night before he was up changing the bedding for his sickly wife (ummm me) who had broken out in a sweat so badly she had soaked her side of the bed and pillow and clothes and was huddled in a ball shaking on his side of the bed looking for warmth.  Not to mention working all day, running the boys to everything everywhere and doing all the grocery shopping.  Truly the only thing the man hadn't bent over backwards to do was nurse the baby... but I can't really blame him for that.  And what does his mad dash pace to save the world, and his wife get him?  I big fat disco lit parking spot dead center in front of the elementary school with cars having to squeeze around and behind the police car to get to the drop of zone.  Lucky guy huh?  I guess the one thing he had going for him was he was running a little behind and not every parent in the county saw his claim to fame.  Gotta love that man.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

The poor, poor man! I can't believe it happened right in front of the school! I hope you're feeling better. It's so hard to be sick when you have to nurse (on top of everything else.)