Friday, May 17, 2013

I know how you feel gal -

From birth I sat alone in church with my mother and six siblings.  It was all I ever knew and miraculously my blessed mother had all seven of us to church every week 15 minutes early (this is not an exaggeration this was Olsen family LAW) and we didn't dare get rowdy.  Initially that was because as Bishop my dad would sit on the stand and give us the furrowed brow, lowered corner mouth look and raise his big giant pointer finger in our direction.  Ya, it was a death stare and it worked.  I remember him taking me out of sacrament meeting once for being down right naughty and we went into the men's bathroom and I got a spanking.  Then he sat me up in a tall windowsill where I couldn't get down from and shook that big scary dad finger at me and told me I had better learn to sit reverent.  It terrified me for life.  I learned to hold still and be quiet.  It was a good thing because he was called from being a bishop to the Stake Presidency and it wouldn't be until my junior year of high school that he would sit with our family in church again.

Now Maggie, I'm not saying you won't see your dad again until you are ready to fly the coop but chances are you may spend a good few years sitting with just Ma in sacrament meeting.  When Jonathan was sustained to the High Council last Sunday the High Counselor had him remain standing and said, "Now everyone take a long look at Brother Jenson.  I want you to know who he is because it will be a good 10-12 years before you see him in your ward again."  The congregation laughed and little Matthew welled up with tears not quite understanding why his dad wasn't going to be coming to church with him anymore.  He curled up on his lap and sobbed through Sacrament meeting.  It broke my heart.  He really loves his Dad.  So do I.  We explained that he was just going to be serving in another ward and would MOST ASSUREDLY be going to church just at a different time and for a lot more hours on Sunday (lucky Dad).  And on a rare occasion we may get him with us. 

(For any who may read this blog that are not members of our church, Jonathan received a calling to serve in a leadership position that simply has him serve with a broader group of people in our church than our own congregation.  He attends during other congregations church services and meetings and serves/teaches them.)

And so we begin our adventure of Mom and the not so reverent clan sitting alone on Sunday.
Wish. Me. Luck.
Lots of Luck - P.L.E.A.S.E.

And so dear Maggie, I know how you feel to know nothing else than just Mom at church (it has it's advantages)

However because Jonathan received a new calling we did get a very special treat of having Grandma and Grandpa Jenson come back to Grants Pass and visit.  Jonathan's father Eugene C. Jenson ordained Jonathan a High Priest in the Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-Day Saints on May 8th, 2013.  We were so thankful they made the effort to come and share this special occasion with our growing family.  Here our a few pictures of the posse that evening after the boys had run around outside the church playing tag and and getting nice and sweaty. 


Yep, them's my Grandpa Jenson's ears.  I may not carry on the family name but by golly I will carry on those Jenson ears.

I look at this picture and have this brief moment of wonder... who is this women and what the heck happened?  Where did all of these children come from?  Did I really do all of this?  When?  I remember my mom expressing the same sentiments and now I really get why.


Sandi said...

Oh dear! Goodluckgoodluckgoodluckgoodluck! I am such a wuss when my husband gets called in to work on Sundays (he's a nurse) and I only have two kids!

Koreena said...

Love love love that family photo! That's so sad about Matthew crying! I could see one of my kids doing that. You're such a wonderful mom and supportive wife, your kids are going to have an awesome example to follow!