Sunday, April 29, 2012

She started it....

See this tall hot rod standing on the right, that's my mom.  My Dad calls her Barb, I think it is short for Barbie but he'd never admit it.  Well about 100 years ago she had this brood of children, 7 to be exact.  She had a hard time keeping track of all of us, so in her cunning wisdom, she lined us up and put us in matching outfits - just to have a better shot of keeping a handle on things.  It almost worked.  Even with the matching outfits Ryan still managed to burn half of the house down.  So although it may look like I have had generations of matching Easter outfits engrained within me, it is actually a secret tracking system I learned from mom.  The best dog gone mother of 7 the world could ask for.

I chose lime green, not because it is trendy, but less than stealth. 

So this post is for you mom... the author of my newest secret weapon.  I couldn't love you more.

 Notice her choice of green in the above photo??? Hummm.....

 Oh look, there I am wearing green again....


Keri said...

I love it! I actually will dress my girls in matching or coordinating outfits, too.

It's amazing how much your oldest looks like one of your brothers, too!

Koreena said...

Oh for cuteness sake! I wish I could get my kids to match but Jossy is too opinionated to wear something I pick out for her.

Sandi said...

Haha, very cute!

Unknown said...

this is the cutest post ever! in your spare time, can you make matching outfits for my kiddos too? :)