Sunday, April 29, 2012

Picture Perfect

Sometimes is takes a motivating factor to bring a herd of people together that live thousand's of miles apart and the above photograph just so happens to be that motivating factor.  Grandma Jenson was sure it would be the death of her or Grandpa Jenson that would gather the family together long enough to take a family picture.  And well, we were determined to prove her wrong.  And we did.  It was a little too cold, and a little to cloudy, and a little too breezy, and the kids were a little too sad, but you know none of that really mattered.  We were together like a REAL family doing the best we could with what we had.  We weren't perfectly posed, or perfectly matching or perfectly happy, but I guess that is why this is such a PERFECT picture to me.  Because it is imperfect like every last one of us really are.  We yearn for perfection, yearn to have a picture perfect paradigm to live in, but we DON'T and we WON'T at least not in this life.  We are REAL family, striving for a perfection that we have faith exists, but are cluttered with the foibles of the natural man and women, heavy laden at times, imperfect all the time.  But as a family united in a faith that through an atonement all of the imperfections will melt away as dross and the miracle of a sealing power will take effect.  Our lives will become perfected one by one, some may take longer than others, but the faith that binds us, pulls us along together.  So here we are... imperfectly as one can perceive, but blessed to know that together we can become something greater.

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