Sunday, April 29, 2012

Easter at Aunt Becky's

What can possibly be more fun than utter chaos and permanent dye surrounding a kitchen table?  Uh, nothing I suppose.  What an Easter!  We had a Jenson family gathering at Aunt Becky's and it was FUN.  The boys had a ball playing with cousins, eating "walking tacos" and hunting for Easter treasures.
Adam and Matthew dippn' in on the dyn' 
Zach was Andrew's 'bestest' big cousin and helped him dye all of his eggs

How can a heart not love the Grandpa that takes the time to make a masterpiece?  Friday morning we awoke to snow.  Grandpa and Andrew were not deterred by our April surprise, but rather reveled and rolled in it.  Frosty was up and running in no time.  Speaking of running, you should have seen the boy cousins mass attack on poor Uncle David.  It was a snowball fight of the season.  Right down to the 100% true blue face washes in the snow.  Uncle David was outnumbered but the man held his own quite nicely.   

Along with the egg dying, and snowball fighting we made time for egg finding and candy munching.  Michael made himself at home with his own little stache from the basket.

 So you think he can fit another piece in those cheeks?

Cousin roll call complete with baskets.  There they are, every last Jenson descendant we could cram into a corner.

We decided to take in another adventure while we were at Aunt Becky's with all of the cousins.  Went to down town Salt Lake's newest mall, City Creek.  What made it super cool was getting ride the DART.

 Matthew playing in the fountains... yes, this is the day after the snowfall.
 All the cousins lined up hoping they get to have chance in the water, but not certain it is worth getting wet for the rest of the day.
 The beautiful Christus at Temple Square.  A picture of the Christus hung in my bedroom growing up.  Now I hang it in my kid's.  I love this statue.  

1 comment:

Koreena said...

You were in Salt Lake!? Oh I wish I could have seen you!! Let me know next time and I'll met up with you anywhere!