Friday, January 20, 2012

Whoop, Whoop 31!

My Birthday! Complete folks with a delicious German Chocolate cake AND homemade frosting (toasted pecans, coconut n' all) YUm! Over Christmas vacation we managed to swing a few week long free passes to Club Northwest. Consequently, we have done a lot of swimming the past few weeks. We went swimming on my birthday and then had the Goff's over for games and pizza. We played "Jungle Jive" which is a fun game with a motion sensor that detects just how graceful you can jive. We ate, played, and the best part... went to bed before 10:00pm. Yes, yes, it is New Year's Eve. Yes, yes it is one of the 3 birthday's Jonathan hasn't had to work since we've been married. Yes, yes, I am an old fodder-dudder. Yes, yes I love it that way.

31 reasons I love me:

1. I have a lot of grey hair
2. I like to drive in silence. No radio please.
3. I don't like to watch movies
4. I prefer khaki's over levi's
5. I am a RAD boy making machine
6. I like dried plums
7. I'm a fan of fiber
8. I don't like to drink pop
9. When I do turn on noise Jenny Oaks Baker is my #1 choice usually always
10. I love listening to Conference talks on my iPad when I cook dinner
11. I hate stepping on crumbs, therefore I wear slippers ALWAYS
12. I don't like critters inside. I shed enough for the whole family
13. I take pride in pigs
14. There are few things I would rather look at than rows of planted crops
15. I love playing the violin and miss it when I don't
16. I love to plant seeds
17. I am fascinated by genetics and microbiology
18. I picked Jonathan
19. I hate being late for church
20. I like to sew
21. I like to sit and visit with old people
22. I love Visiting Teaching
23. I am a seeker of joy not fun
24. I like to thank people by their name. If I don't know the bag boy's name I ask him and then thank him specifically by calling him by his name and expressing gratitude. The same is true of any stranger. An expression of gratitude should always accompany a name. My Grandma Olsen taught my father that and he once taught it to me.
25. By #25 I'm out of ideas
26. I really like quiet and stillness
27. When I am alone with my children my mind races but I don't talk a lot. Actually that is something I would change about myself. Talk more, think less.
28. I'm not a fan of frivolity.
29. I'm practical
30. I am modest in the way I dress, always. There is no grey area, no cleavage (heaven help me) no almost modest. Keep it covered. Always.
31. I have always liked me. I like who I am. I like who I am trying to become. I like people. I sincerely don't think I have ever not liked someone. Ever.


Sarah said...

Cute, Happy birthday! :)

Sounds just like the cheerful Amber I know!!! :) You are such a great example! I hope your day was great!

Ang said...

Can I steal this idea when it's my bday? :) You rock. #27 is totally me. And oh how I remember your little blue socks/slippers... so that's why You didn't like to step on crumbs. I thought it was just to keep your toes warm in cold Rexburg!
You really are such a good example to me in soo many ways. Thank you! Glad you had a happy day!

Koreena said...

Well we like you, too. :) Glad it was a happy birthday!

Sandi said...

I laughed at #5! #8 and #12 are totally me too!

Radene said...

Amber, I think you're awesome. I am so grateful to have met you, had you for a roommate and can call you friend. You are and still are a great example to me! hugs TO YOU! Happy Belated Birthday!