Friday, January 20, 2012

Primroses for Anna

Andrew was invited to a birthday party for a little girl that has become his dearest friend in nursery. She was the reason he finally started staying in nursery. She is a sweet little dear. We went to town to pick out a birthday present for her and after looking at toy after toy after toy we settled on some play dough something or other. When we were leaving the store we walked out to find a rack with flats of primroses. Andrew stopped and said, "Mom, wait! I have got to get Anna this!" He knew exactly which flower and exactly which color. No toy could ever hold a candle to one of these. We went back and got the $1.49 primrose. I have never seen a child so utterly delighted to give a gift in all of my life. It isn't so much that Andrew has a crush on Anna, or that he thinks boys give girls flowers, but he sensed the pure beauty of the flower and new it would match the same purity which posses his sweet friend Anna. From within his little boy heart he knew this was the greatest gift. It was beautiful.