Tuesday, December 13, 2011

On Dasher, On Dancer...!

We have had a rough couple of weeks with continuous colds and ear infections at our house. The past couple of days have been stay in jammies and survive days. The big boys were off to school and Andrew decided it was time to really get in the Christmas spirit. He constructed Santa's sleigh complete with a grocery sack full of toys to deliver to good boys and girls. We found a couple of Santa hats and he and I played Santa Claus in the kitchen while little Michael napped. Now it is quite a game the three oldest boys play. One takes turns playing Santa and the other two lay on the couch and pretend to be asleep. If they open their eyes Santa passes by, but if they are sleeping soundly he stops and fills their stockings full of toys. They have been such a hoot to watch pretend together.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

I love the imaginations of kiddos!