Thursday, December 1, 2011

Michael's First Birthday

The littlest peanut has turned one! Seven teeth, no crawling and strictly bum scooting, happiest child I have ever had. Michael is the joy of our home. He is a Daddy's boy and soooo completely loved by his brothers. He loves to watch the dog through the sliding glass door, take baths, go for walks in the stroller, and read books. He has the curliest hair of the all the boys. I have to keep cutting off little curls that grow up around his ears. What a dumplin'.

Ma and the boys with the train cake. I swore I wouldn't be one of those mothers that killed the latter children's birthday's, but I am. Here is the last minute version of what do I have in the pantry... marshmallow's and graham crackers.
You would think he had waited his whole life for that one gift.
In Matthew's kindergarten play group they made Christmas trees out of ice cream cones. He wanted to give his to Michael. Matthew was so happy to give him a special gift. Michael actually enjoyed eating it more than the cake.

Picking off the marshmallows one by one. I didn't realize what a distraction those little devils would be. By the time he was done with marshmallows, graham crackers, and M&M's he didn't want much to do with the cake.


Koreena said...

LOVE those last two pictures!! LOL

What a little cutie! And I think that's cake is pretty darn creative for a "what do I have last minute" thing!

Sandi said...

I can't believe you just threw that together! And is the inside rainbow?