Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gramps and Grams Olsen

Oh how all of my scheming is really starting to pay off. I new the move to Oregon was good for something. Wendy's oldest son Dallas turned 12 this past week and was ordained a Deacon on Sunday. Mom and Dad came to participate in the ordination and lucky me, what airport did they fly into? Medford, of course. They had 4 days off from the temple and they made a mad dash of it. They visited me for day, drove to Redding to spend a day with Wendy, back to Medford to fly to Seattle to see Cindi for a day and then back home to the temple. It was marvelous to be able to see them. I remember so distinctly sitting so many Sunday afternoons in Iowa having a small twinge to be in on the Sunday treats at my parent's home or to be surrounded by family just visiting. Sunday I did. We spent Sunday enjoying one another's company, celebrating Dallas' birthday, eating Mexican and participating in the ordination. It was fun to marinade in family just a bit.


Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss you my dear. i got your Christmas card in the mail the other day and it made me miss you something terrible. Guess we are just going to have to visit the coast 2012 and visit mi amigo.
Glad your folks got to visit. What a WONDERFUL change for you. : ) By the way I'm totally stealing your crayon idea.....LOVED IT! : )


Koreena said...

Glad you got to spend some time together!