Sunday, March 27, 2011


A rainbow with a pot of gold at the bottom was Mr. Adam's birthday request this year. He got it, along with a handful of friends to go bowling with. They had a great time ripping the balls down the lanes and eating lots of pepperoni pizza and eating cake. This was the first I had met a few of Adam's school friends. It was fun to get to know "the country kids" the secretary at the school remarked that Adam hung out with. Ya, they're a little country... cowboy boots and ball caps. But awfully cute little fellas.
When the boy's parents asked what they could get Adam for his birthday I really had to think on it. Adam loves fish, fishing and reading. He loves to receive toys, but he doesn't actually play with them because he doesn't want them to get broken. He's is an intensive steward of everything he owns. He gets that from his Dad who still owns all of his childhood toys. He ended up with a building set, a few new footballs, a yo-yo, a watch, a few books, and a few other silly toys. I gave him a journal which he loves to write in. He's my bookie child and I love it. He has read the Magic Tree House Series up to #37 more times than I can count, has just about cleaned up all of the Secrets of Droon Series and I'm debating if I should start him on Harry Potter. If it has words he reads it. The other day he was reading the paper and he said to me, "Mom, did you know that there is real war going on?" I love him. His current WPM is over 200 and cruising.
Andrew and Dad got in on a little bowling fun with the ramp.
Michael watched and got called a little girl several times. A very common mishap in this adorable little BOY'S life.

Happy birthday Adam!

1 comment:

Ang said...

Crazy to think your oldest is 7!! He seems like one smart kid. I love the birthday cake! You amaze me. And that little Michael is just beautiful. Sweet kids.