Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Taste of My Own Medicine

Last night Jonathan got a call a little after ten to do an inter-thecal block for a laboring woman in Centerville. The drive to the Centerville hospital is about 40 minutes from our home. He got dressed and ready, I said goodnight he and headed out the door. A little after 2 AM he got home after placing the inter-thecal and crawled into bed. He had almost fallen asleep when the phone rang again. Centerville - she had failed to progress and now was needing to go to a C-Section. Back in the car he went for his second trip to Centerville to do the spinal on the lady. Some time after 5 AM he was back to bed the second time. Unbeknownst of his long night I woke feeling rested and ready for a happy Sabbath. He was a little sluggish on the draw and in fact didn't get up with the 7 AM alarm for P.E.C. (What a slacker...) It wasn't until after church when we finally had a few moments to talk that I found out he had made two trips to Centerville and didn't really sleep last night.

I just laughed. I was clueless to his phone ringing in the night, him coming... going... talking to nurses. I slept... well, dang hard.

Only now do I have a twinge of appreciation for his comments in the morning that go a little like this... "Wow, that was a great night. Did the boys all sleep through the night?" And through bloodshot eyes I wonder to myself, how is it humanly possible for him to be unaware of the 5 wake-up sessions I had with 3 different children.

It's all about selective hearing... his is buzzing, mine is whimpering. But ya know folks... we get r' done.


Sandi said...

That's pretty ironic

Kaleb and Abby Widmier said...

That's perfect...selective sleeping. You do what you have to...right? Your boys are beautiful...I love reading about them. What a great family to be a part of! Love you!