Thursday, October 28, 2010

Things Aren't Always What They Seem

Last Sunday my Dad was set apart as a counselor in the Twin Falls Temple Presidency. We are excited for his new call to serve and know he will do a remarkable job. My parents have known about his calling for several months but the rest of us were a little slower to jump on the bandwagon. Let me explain...

These past few months have been a bit of a roller coaster ride for my Dad. Several months ago he was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism and not long after that discovered he had several blockages in his heart that would require a quadruple bi-pass surgery. Due to the embolism doctors were afraid to do open heart surgery for fear that they may dislodge the embolism in his lungs. He has been in and out of doctors offices, referred to doctors all throughout the United States and been trying to decide what to do. After my parents had decided to go ahead with heart surgery I was visiting with my mom on the phone. They were in Utah for a doctors appointment and she mentioned that they had just been and purchased my Dad a new while suit. Due to the complicated nature of my Dad's surgery my thoughts were, "They really think he is going to die. My Mom wants to be certain he has a nice new white suit to be buried in so they are fitting him with a new one just in case he doesn't make it." They on the other hand are thinking, "We have got to hustle things along. We have 6 weeks before we start in the temple full time, Dad needs a white suit that will last the next 3 years while he is serving. We won't have time after the surgery to get things fitted and we have to be up and running ASAP!"

See what I mean... I had the man dead and buried and they had him on rush order to serve for the next 3 years. I guess the moral of the story is you can't judge a book by its cover, nor a man by the color of his suit.


Koreena said...

What an exciting calling to serve in! Is everything okay with your dad's health now?

Sandi said...

What a funny story. Hope things are going better for him.

Becky said...

I heard he's in the presidency, it's a full time job but I know they will love it! I had no idea your dad had health problems....amazing how the Lord watches over his servants.

Anonymous said...

Oh Ams, I love you and your folks. My Mom altered it for your Dad and your Mom said to my Mom "Well, we must be pretty confident that he is going to make since we bought 3 new suits for him to wear." I just chuckled later when I heard about his calling. I thought to my self " Funny funny Barbara." I'm so glad things are well I sure Love you girl!