Friday, July 9, 2010

7 Frogs at the Amphibi-"inn"

We had a waterline outside of our home break that Jonathan had to dig a 2 foot trench to uncover and work to repair. Amidst the repairing we had several significant rainstorms that filled this 2 foot deep by 6 foot long trench with water. It didn't take long for 3 little boys to discover that a muddy wet hole is the ideal place for a frog to hang out. Due to such a life altering discovery we are yet to fill in the hole. All summer, each morning after it had rained and even when it hadn't the boys sprinted outside to see if there were any beady little eyes lurking at the top of the water hole. They found that putting the hose down under the water on one end of the hole and turning the water on flushes the frogs out and makes them easier to catch. On this particular morning we had seven captured frog friends to play with. After the boys find them they stuff them into a compartment under the seat of a little toy train that they ride on. They fill the compartment with grass and worms and keep their frog friends there. They have found, however, that a heavy rock is needed on top of the seat to keep the frogs from jumping up and flipping the seat up enough to hop out.

Andrew can be a bit of a frog squeezer rather than a frog holder so he tends to cheese it from the sidelines.
Now if you want to really have a good time with 4 fists full of frogs line up an old dump truck, angle it just above the dog's water dish, wet it down, and race frogs down the truck bed into the pool below.

I'm telling you, if you're a frog lover this is heaven.

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