Friday, July 16, 2010

What Cha Call It?

Call it missionary mass production, frog catching bonanza, where stinky feet meet...
I call it an answer to prayers very close to my uterus. Yes, my prayers for "missionary opportunities" have been answered - with Elder Jenson #4 on his way.


Michelle said...

That is SO exciting! Congrats. You must be doing something right to get so many little missionaries.

Kaleb and Abby Widmier said...

LOL! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! You make very adorable boys that I'm SURE will grow up to be fabulous missionaries.

Keri said...

Congratulations! I love your happiness!

Koreena said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!! It takes a special momma to raise good boys, and if anyone could do it it's you!

Looks like counting your hubby you'll have a full basketball team! :)

Sarah said...

haha! CONGRATS! :) Your boys are super handsome and I agree, they will be great missionaries!!

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

Congratulations Amber! You'll get those daughters someday (probably when all those handsome boys get married)! 4 boys is so exciting!

Nicole said...

Another boy!!! Goodness gracious, I guess there's no hope for a girl at my house, I'm afraid you've jinxed me! Congratulations!!

Messimoo said...

YAY for boys!!! So excited for you!!! Who knows, might be with ya on the 4 count come another couple of months!