Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sure are Cute

The holidays came and we enjoyed the days we got to spend together. It has been really cold here in Iowa as I am sure it has been everywhere else. Adam has had 7 snow/cold days out of school and we have loved having him at home a little more. Jonathan had a little time off from work as well and we hunkered down, tried to stay warm and have had lots of fun.

We spent the day at home together for my birthday. Jonathan was on call the night before and spent the night at the hospital. When he got home he and the boys disappeared to the basement and wrapped gifts while I got to clean the upstairs of the house. I was glad to be able to get some cleaning done without 3 little helpers. It went quick and a clean house makes happy birthdays. The power went out so we postponed baking a birthday cake while we headed to the back yard to do a little sledding. We have several perfect sledding hills out by the forest and ravine. We just have to be careful not to veer off into the trees in the forest. Matthew got going a little too fast and bailed just before he got to the trees. I was proud of him for jumping ship. He did just as we told him to when he gets too close to the trees. He was a little chilled by his face plant.

The boys and Jonathan put together a great party for the mamma. I enjoyed summer sausage, slippers, lotion, books and Martinelli's. I ate nearly the entire cake by myself. We rang in the new year with a glimpse of the blue moon at midnight and Martinelli's.


Keri said...

Your baby is so big! I'm glad you had such a wonderful birthday & were able to enjoy your family.

Kaleb and Abby Widmier said...

The boys are getting so big! Thanks for the update. I hope all is well with you and your family! Love you...abs

Michelle said...

Amber, we miss you! You have to call us the next time you are up here! Andrew is the cutest thing ever in that red suit. All of your boys are adorable!

Koreena said...

So nice to see a post from you!! Your boys are stinkin' adorable! I love that picture of the face plant. LOL

Ang said...

LOVE the red suit. Couldn't get any cuter than that! Sure glad to see you back in the blogging world Friend. Happy to see you're well, and boy your kids are cute!