Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pick Your Slick

So what's slicker (is slicker a word?)... more slick: An Iowa ice storm or a limp wet elusive spaghetti noodle traveling between the esophagus and nasal passageway of a 14 month old child? I'm gonna say this one is a toss up. We saw a little of both today. Right before bed (about 2 hours after dinner mind you) Andrew went into a crazy sneezing nose rubbing hysteria. Peculiar... yes but you may sneeze too if you have 4 inches of limp noodle wandering around in your head. Just when you think you can grab that 3/4 of an inch peeking out of the nose along comes the sniff to accompany the snuff that sucks it back it. When alas with one final belly whopper we sneeze our intimate little wiggly friend out. Few! That was a nose rubber. Heard it could happen, but haven't ever actually seen it.

The ice storm kept Adam home from school today. We filled the day doing Valentine's day crafts that Adam has been begging to do from an activity book that fell into our hands. We made wreaths and valentine checkers complete with checker board. We managed to dust the blinds and did a little icicle whacking out in the yard. This is such an anticipated event that the boys were out whacking in PJ's and snow boots this morning. The ice was thick and slick. I went out long enough the break the ice from the mail box and get the flag up for the mailman. Even the grass is slick.


Koreena said...

Ewww! A nose noodle? Glad he got it out!

Cute pictures! I love that they're out in pj's and boots. :)

Sandi said...

Boys! That ice-whacking sounds fun.