Thursday, January 14, 2010

Response Time

Take note:
911 Ambulance Response from Hospital to Home:
( 8.24 miles of Highway) 7 minutes 38 seconds
Jonathan response time from the river to Home:
(10.87 miles of winding river road) 5 minutes tops

On Saturday our blessed little peanut number three had been sick for a few days and decided he wanted to really try mom out. He went into a seizure and stopped breathing, turned cyanotic and became non-responsive. Are we having fun yet? While he was not breathing Jonathan called on his way home from work (tender mercy) and I told him what was happening. He told me to hang up and call 911. He arrived shortly before the ambulance. Our expensive limo took us to town and we got Andrew breathing and mildly responsive. Within time we got all the kinks worked out. Andrew has abnormally low levels of Calcium (which causes tetanus). Low calcium combined with potentially a febrile seizure equated to a party at the Jenson's. What we don't do for fun out here in the sticks. Currently Andrew is back to his normal self around here. Climbing on the table, unloading every cupboard we own and itching for a chance to fish in a toilet left open by an older sib. If nothing else I realized how loved we are. Two neighbors were here while the EMT's were working with Andrew at the house and 5 ward members had called to see if they could help before we were home from the hospital. Word travels fast in a small town, but love travels even quicker... Howbeit I think Daddy-o wins the quick award of the week. I will never know how he did Floris road in 5.


Sandi said...

Wow. What a scare! I'm glad he's okay. Your husband must have had angels pushing his bumper!

Keri said...

That's scary. So glad everything is okay & that everyone has reached out to help.

Ashley A. said...

Oh, that sounds so horrible. I'm so glad he is doing well now. What a scary experience.

I love the recent pictures of your boys. They are adorable.

Ang said...

Whew... what a scare. So glad to hear he's okay for now. Angels are among us for sure.

Koreena said...

That's so scary!! I'm so glad he's okay. What a blessing your husband was on his way home already and made it in such good time! Sounds like you have a wonderful community around you.

Anonymous said...

So glad he is okay. Are you able to sleep yet?