Sunday, May 18, 2008

Still Alive

I know, most have given up on us Iowans... yet we live on. OBVIOUSLY life has been crazy! Just to throw you into the loop a little... we're having #3 due to debut on Halloween. That says plenty in and of itself. I am at 16 weeks so we are back in the saddle again. Over the past 3 years I have developed horrific allergies. Not just the sneezy kind, but the unbearable eye pain, wake at least once in the night the wash eyes because they have crusted shut, eye swollen shut by morning, can't function til noon, nose so raw I could weep even more, sneeze til I wet my pants, haven't taken a breath through my nose in 3 weeks, lips and mouth so dry I could cry, pregnant safe meds aren't cutting it allergies. Ahh, I feel better all ready. We also own two homes now. We have decided to move 2 hours away... Hooray! However, we are still trying to finish the basement in the home we are somewhat living in now, and fix up the home we are moving into. The drywall in the basement here took a whole month longer than planned and Jonathan starts work tomorrow in Bloomfield, IA. He is going to be working for the Bloomfield Anesthesia group. Our home in Bloomfield is 6.5 acres, which we love... but hello... have you ever tried to mow 2 acres of grassy hills with a push mower? Ya, who has time to blog. The house in Bloomfield isn't horrific, but I have never seen so much dog hair in a freezer in my life. Last week we spent stripping wall paper like our lives depended on it. Jonathan is leaving tonight so he can be at work in the morning and is going to paint in Bloomfield while I pack the North Liberty house and pawn off my kids each day. Throw in being in charge of a Pinewood derby, Stake Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment and a few other odds and ends and ta-dah... blogging death. Truly we are doing wonderful. I really mean that. Our lives are far more blessed than we will ever deserve. I promise pictures before the end of the summer... how do you like that! Ahh loves and tootles - The Jenson's


Koreena said...

Congratulations on baby #3! That's really exciting!

Dog hair in the freezer??? How does that even happen?! Hope life calms down a little for you this summer and those dumb allergies get better. Good luck to Jonathan on his new job!

RandyC said...

First off, congratulations!! It sounds like life has been crazy for you. I sure hope you can get your allergies figured out...that's crazy! And moving on top of that all? I truly wish you the best & wish I could be there to help!

RandyC said...

By the way, randyc is me, Keri.

Fugere Family said...

Only someone like Amber can tackle so many things at one time. Hope that everything goes well. You have a beautiful family..... p.s. I did make a comment on your last post, but I figured you'd look over it since it has been so long, but I just did it yesterday. It was the first time I saw your blog and Julie's for that matter... thanks to Heather B.

Heather said...

WOW congrats and AHHHHH! I think that soooo awesome that you're expecting #3 (maybe a girl this time??!?!?!?!). AHHHH, about owning two houses and having to deal with all that mess. I hope that all works out for you guys! Luv ya!

Natalie and Quin said...

Congratulations on #3! We are really excited for you! Sounds like life is pretty crazy there. Quin suggests buying a goat, that way you won't have to mow. Just make sure you tell the kids, "don't eat the brown m&m's the goat leaves!"

Anonymous said...

You have got your hands full, lady! I'm surprised you blog at all! Best of luck with the houses, boys, new job, and everything you feel just might fall through the cracks! You are amazing!

Messimoo said...

Wow! Congrats on number three! Woohoo, welcome to our neck of the woods! How fun to move somewhere with so much land. I keep telling my hubby, I want a house with a yard!

Messimoo said...

Are you surviving all the weather out there??????? Just thinking about you!

Keri said...

Hey, I've been thinking about you a lot lately with all the flooding IA is having. Are you and your houses okay??

Heidi said...

I'm so excited for you! For all your news, the baby, the move, the job...Congrats!

Nicole said...

It's good to hear you're still alive. I too took a recent break from blogging as my life has been crazy busy for a while... but I'm back for the time being! We are starting to get settled in our new place in Wisconsin. Congrats on baby #3, good-luck with all that you have going on. Love ya!