Thursday, January 23, 2014

Toothpaste on my phone

Maggie finally grew enough hair to use a barrette.  I was so proud of this little darling that I wanted to take a picture and send it to my mom.  LOOK GRANDMA MY FIRST BARRETTE!  When the phone session in the bathroom mirror was finished I smiled in utter delight.  My first photo.  Almost got the angle I wanted.  Put phone down on bathroom counter.  Adjust my hold on Maggie.  Pick up phone.  Take a second shot. 

Even more significant than the perfect shot of Maggie's very first barrette was my incidental perfect shot of my perfect REAL life.  Toothpaste smudges picked up from the bathroom counter on the white face of my phone.  I will forever cherish that picture.  The beginnings of greatness captured in real life.  I love these nuggets I call kids.