Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Amber

I received my very first violin.
The day after Christmas Jonathan told the family to load up in the van.  All of us?  Yes, get in.  Why?  Just get in.
So we obliged.
We began driving through Grants Pass and then toward the other end of town, onto the freeway and headed toward Medford.  That is not unusual.  It is a 30 minute drive to the "big city."  But we didn't stop, blink or exit.  We kept driving.  Desolation soon arrives south of Medford.  By now I was clueless as to where we were going and why.  Jonathan had to be to work in 2 hours and there wasn't much left now that we were past Medford.
Except for a quaint little town called Ashland.
We exited there and drove around until Jonathan figured out exactly where we needed to be.  It was apparent he had never been there before and was as clueless as the rest of us.  But he knew what he was looking for.  Jonathan finally settled with a parking spot in a little ally amongst some unattractive buildings.  He told me to get out.  I was bamboozled.  Cinderblock walls were not my idea of - well, anything.  
So I humored him and got out.
I turned to the back of the van where an obscure door with a small window beside it could be seen.  As I drew closer to the window I caught my first glimpse - stringed instruments.
I choked and the tears swelled.

Jonathan opened the door for me and I felt like I had been led into a magical fairy tale.  The walls were lined with every sort of antique strung instrument I have ever seen and some I haven't seen.  Tools and equipment dated from the 1800's filled the workshop and an older gentleman was working on a bass.
It was the most beautiful little place I have ever seen.  He welcomed us to his workshop and inquired to our needs.  Jonathan introduced ourselves and said, "We are here to purchase a violin; for her.  I understand in all of southern Oregon there is no finer place to purchase an instrument so we would like to see what you have."
I didn't know what to say.  It has been almost 1 1/2 years since I have touched a violin.  I left a rental behind in Iowa and have longed to pick one up again since our move to Oregon but it just hadn't happened.  But naturally, the precious man that I married did every ounce of research possible, talked with multiple sources and scoured the state over until he found the perfect place to offer a perfect gift.
And he did.

We came home with violin, bow, case, shoulder rest, and fresh rosin ;-).

He went to work and I played until my children couldn't stand to be neglected any longer.  Sadly it was the first Michael can recall hearing the instrument although he was raised by the sound of it from the womb.  He was fascinated.  The older boys nestled in to going about their own things knowing I was nestled into mine.

It is taking some sincere refreshers on how to play the instrument.  But I am eager to get my calloused fingers back.

And so at 32, I received this beautiful piece of wood.

32nd birthday - #5 on the way.  Thirty weeks along.

It must have been a good day, because I loath having pets in the house and somehow, the dog managed to not only cross the threshold, but make it  into the kitchen as well.
Happy Birthday to Me.
Jonathan made a red velvet cake with pink pig sprinkles.  It was incredibly good.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Amber! What a special gift!

Anonymous said...

The man truely knows that the best is for the best. Wish I was there to enjoy the beautiful music. Happy belated birthday. Cheryl :-)

Koreena said...

What a beautifully thoughtful gift. Love it! And you make one beautiful pregnant momma! :)

Sandi said...

Wow, what a special gift! What a special man!