Sunday, September 16, 2012

Three finger stance baby!!!!

Okay, I have some serious confessions.  For my 8th birthday I didn't want a pretty white dress for my baptism, I wanted a BYU football and a San Francisco 49er's jersey.  I got them both.  I have brown-leather-oval disease.  It is this crazy rush of adrenaline that seeps into my veins and takes control of my body upon mentioning the game of football.  Not trying to boast here, but when I was a wee lassy I was freakin' rad at football.  I bloodied more bodies and sacked more guys than any other person during neighborhood football games.  During P.E. at school I always got picked first, always.  I was anything but dainty and petite growing up.  Until high school I could run faster and bench press more than any guy in my school.  I was built to play ball.  Oh how I loved to play football!  My life came to an end when my mother told me I was not allowed to sign up for 7th grade football.  According to her, ladies don't play tackle football with the boys.  I was crushed, I was anything but a lady, I was a brawny, quick, shifty awesome football player.  Can you blame me?  I had spent every year of my life up to that point shoveling hog manure, picking rock and bucking hay bales.  I was born, bread and raised to be tuff and play ball.  

With the passing of time I have come to realize my mother was right.  Dang it, I am a lady.  And I actually like it.

BUT this lady bore 4 sons. Ahhhh yaaaa!!!!!

So I live it up, vicariously through them.  It may be flag, but I'm crazy in the bleachers clenching my fists with every play and cheering on MY BOY like it's nobody's business.

And so I give you Mr. Three Finger Stance Himself, my firstborn son, Adam.  The kid is awesome.  He plays both ways because he is just that awesome. 

Adam is on the left in the red shorts.  So Mr. Defense in black is 50 lbs. bigger, not a problem.  Adam worked this kid over.

Arms everywhere.

Oh wait, that's not ADAM with the flag AGAIN?  Oh, ya I guess it is.  Shocker.

Look at this shot  He is about to eat this QB for lunch.  We call this wicked intimidation in other words, incomplete pass.  Ahh Yaaa!

The other team began to fear this lineman.

Who's that that came from clear across the other side of the field to make a play, ah yes, my firstborn once again.

Workn' it...

Ya, you're toast.  That blazin' kid in red is about to smash you.

Who's got the flag this time?  Big D himself.  Adam you rock my world!!!

Okay, watching Adam play has got to be one of the funnest things I have ever done in my ENTIRE life.  Things will change when the pads go on and my baby comes home beat up, but if it's the other kid that gets beat up... well I just might have to encourage the sport a little.

Go Red!!!!!!!!


Sandi said...

You are funny! I have no athletic ability and football makes me yawn, but I can appreciate being so proud of your child!

Ang said...

Hahahaha! Amber I love you!! Funny thing is I was the same way until about 7th grade. First one picked and killin' it on the field with just the boys. Ah the stories of blood and war shed.:) We would have had fun together, or, at least been each other's competition.:) Can not wait for my boy to play the sport. Not a question of "if". Oh, he will.