Monday, May 28, 2012

When you move do the bees go too?

Well, if they manage to get on the bus they do.  We bought a house here in Grants Pass and moved a mile down the road from our rental.  It is great to be home owners again.  Our last place was the first Jonathan and I have rented since we have been married.  We have owned 4 homes but never rented.  I can see how it can have it's perks if they let you put holes in the walls.

Anyway, at 11:00 pm we decided it was cool enough to move the bees.  The boys were all asleep so we locked them in the house and went to the rental to move the bees.  When it is cold they return to the hive to stay warm.  We covered the hives in screening material and then VERY SLOWLY moved all four hives.  The cop that drove by at midnight slowed as he saw two crazy people illuminated by a porch light sneaking through a gate with beekeeping veils on hauling around stacks of white boxes.  Probably not typical.  Anyway.  We managed to get them loaded, moved and unloaded with only one sting.  Whew!  The little dears pictured below are the gals that didn't make the departure time.  Jonathan went back to check for strays the next night and found those that were not in the hive all clustered together trying to figure out what in the world happened to home.  I am sure they all were wishing they had a pair of ruby red slippers by this point.  Jonathan did his best to get as many as he could, but we always lose a few.  

So the moral of the story is, be home by curfew.  

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