Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hungry, Hungry, Hippo - Revised

Okay, so I thought I was a super hilarious mom and in our Hungry, Hungry, Hippo clean-up session I put two marbles in my eyes, squinted to hold them in place and super cheesed the boys.  Wow, I rate right up there with super tricky awesome moms.  Or, so I think.  See Michael has always been our meek, mild little guy that just goes with it.  But he upped me on this one.  A few hours after my eyeball session he came into the kitchen with his new giddy-up on.  A marble in each ear.  I wonder how long he sat in the middle of the living room floor trying his eyes before he figured out they fit just right in his ears?  Ya, he was funnier and more clever than I was.  Some mom have to keep marbles out of their kids mouths, not me.  We've found better holes to put them in.  I laughed and laughed.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

It's so fun to watch kids be clever. What a hoot!