Sunday, May 20, 2012

2012 Solar Eclipse

Did you see the eclipse?  It is the first one that we have been able to see in 18 years.  And amidst my reservations as to how well we would be able to see it, I was remarkably surprised that we could!  Thanks to Dr. Getty's help we were able to get some really remarkable views of the sun.  It was beautiful.  We went to church this afternoon and then came home and had spaghetti and meatballs.  Michael and I took a quick nap and we loaded up in the van to go watch the solar eclipse.  Grants Pass has an astronomy club that provides quite a few telescopes for people to look through.  Dr. Getty had purchased the glass that is used in welding helmets for a whopping $3 and brought that to look through.  We all took turns looking through his glass at the sun.  Awesomeness.... if that could be a real word
 Jonathan took this picture of the sun with the welding glass held over the lens of the camera.  It cast a green hue but provided a really clear look at the sun.
Art, one of the Grants Pass astronomers brought a telescope that he had made and cast a picture of the eclipse from the lens on his telescope on a reflection screen.  We were able to watch the progression of the eclipse as we were gathered around the telescope.

 The complete eclipse.
 Adam and the boys found several friends from our ward and stake to enjoy playing with.  It was a fun Sabbath afternoon.

 Jonathan and Dr. Getty kept swapping the looking glass.  He was very gracious to allow us to mooch off from him.  We decided we are going to go and get our own family set.  In 5 years there is another eclipse that is visible from Idaho Falls.  Watch out Grandma and Grandpa Jenson, we'll be in your backyard on August 21, 2017 with our looking glasses in tow.  Get ready!
 Art's telescope.
 We poked a hole in a shoe box and tried to cast an image of the sun on a white piece of paper.  We could see the shape of the eclipse on the white paper.  The paper was loved nearly to death by a small little boy, but we still got to see the shape.  If you look closely in the center of the picture is a very small white dot that is the shape of the eclipsed sun.  
 Once the excitement subsided the boys played in the dirt.  What else do little boys do when bored?
Ta-da!  Super coolness.  In this picture you can see the sun spots.  


Sandi said...

Dang! I was putting children in bed and missed it. Super fun for you guys!

Koreena said...

That is so cool! I wanted to see it so badly but we were in Hawaii that day and didn't have any sort of view. How fun for your family!