Sunday, March 11, 2012

Our First Flight to the Pacific

I would be lying if I said it was all it looks cracked up to be. Yes flying to the Pacific ocean was a really a cool adventure and we had a nice time. We got to see whales migrating in the Pacific and the Oregon coast shoreline was beautiful. The boys did wonderful and we arrived back safely, but I am a worry-wart mother. I look down at the jagged mountains we fly above and they don't look as welcoming as the corn fields in Iowa I am accustomed to flying over. We made it safely, but every time I take my little family up I sweat bullets. I don't know what to say other than well, I just don't want to die yet.


Sandi said...

I would worry too--it's a mother's right.

Koreena said...

Who gets to do that as a family?!?! That's awesome!!!