Friday, January 27, 2012

One Weekend's Quest to Find the Perfect Sledding Hill

Living in Iowa was wonderful. We had our own personal sledding hill in our backyard that was easily accessible and frequently covered in snow. Oregon has not allotted the same luxuries. So we decided if the sledding hill was not coming to us, we were going to have to go to it. And we did. Friday's stop was Page Mountain. All of Jonathan's chums at work swore this was the all time best place to sled and were certain it would be covered with snow this time of year. We trusted these long timers and packed up snow gear for the whole family, sleds, snacks and the dog and headed for the hills. We found Page Mountain, but we didn't find the mounds of snow we had anticipated. Disregarding the fact that the mountain had brambles and branches poking out of the snow we decided to give the hill a few good runs and made fun with what snow we could find. I had managed to layer 4 small children in snow clothes, underclothes, hats, gloves, and boots and wasn't about to let the 45 minute dress up session go to waste. So here we are:

Page Mountain

Page in all of its splendor. Where I come from we call this bare-nekked.

Matthew didn't have enough snow where he needed it to make his snow men and forts so he decided to load up the chunks he could on his sled and take them where he needed them. Not what I intended to do on our sledding trip, but he had fun.
Michael rode on Dad, and the dog.
Adam trekked up over and over again. He is by far our biggest die-hard.
Matthew ate wild blackberry bushes, and dirt
Andrew and the blue sky
Mr. Jenson eatn' a little snow...
and a bit of bush.
Jonathan is great to take the boys for rides down the hill. On he and Andrew's first ride it was a bit more chilly than Andrew had anticipated it would be with snow whipping in his face all the way down. He was sweet enough to take the brunt of it for his dad.
So Page was fun, but I think we found something a little bit better...

Union Creek
(Saturday, day two of the quest for a sledding hill)

This hill was so slick that Andrew had to hold onto the pole at the top of the hill so he didn't sled off without his dad. Well, he TRIED to hold on, but didn't quite make it until Dad was ready to roll and did a nice backwards slide all ALONE.
It was pretty funny watching this little kid slide down the mountainside, wish I could have read his little mind.

Matthew and Dad,
and their crash landing.

Mom and Andrew
Dad and Andrew

Oh, you noticed the red patches on Matthew's head and cheek. Well, he decided to leave a piece of himself at Union Creek. While we were unloading the truck he and Adam ran on ahead to start their sledding. Being the incorrigible age of 5, and possessing the mindset of my little Matthew, you think you can take on any mountain. Well, there are a few factors that not every 5 year old considers when choosing their first run of the day. Matthew sized up the mountain, climbed up and took it on, head first. He left blood stains on the snow, a legacy to be had by future sledders until sun or snow erased his indelible red mark. Being that his crash occurred on the first run down the hill we decided to make him tough it out and stay for the afternoon. He was a trooper. Jonathan and I didn't see the crash, we just heard about what a remarkable dive the kid took from all of the responsible parents that were attending their children on the hill while he and I were hanging out in the parking lot. I guess it was a doosy to watch. Poor kid has a scar.

Friday, January 20, 2012

MLK and Oreos (Martin Luther King that is)

I wanted my children to have a greater understanding of MLK day and our history regarding racial segregation. For family home evening we watched the Disney movie, "Perfect Harmony" which I thought was wonderful. Aside from the three older boys walking around all week singing, "All we like sheep,... have gone astray -aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaa!" they really had an eye opener. They had no idea there were once issues of slavery and segregation. We threw in a little US history prior to the movie. We sat in front of the TV with our glasses of milk lined up on a cookie sheet catching drips (or on Dad's lap), dunked oreos and soaked in a little appreciation for MLK. I'd recommend it.

Primroses for Anna

Andrew was invited to a birthday party for a little girl that has become his dearest friend in nursery. She was the reason he finally started staying in nursery. She is a sweet little dear. We went to town to pick out a birthday present for her and after looking at toy after toy after toy we settled on some play dough something or other. When we were leaving the store we walked out to find a rack with flats of primroses. Andrew stopped and said, "Mom, wait! I have got to get Anna this!" He knew exactly which flower and exactly which color. No toy could ever hold a candle to one of these. We went back and got the $1.49 primrose. I have never seen a child so utterly delighted to give a gift in all of my life. It isn't so much that Andrew has a crush on Anna, or that he thinks boys give girls flowers, but he sensed the pure beauty of the flower and new it would match the same purity which posses his sweet friend Anna. From within his little boy heart he knew this was the greatest gift. It was beautiful.

Whoop, Whoop 31!

My Birthday! Complete folks with a delicious German Chocolate cake AND homemade frosting (toasted pecans, coconut n' all) YUm! Over Christmas vacation we managed to swing a few week long free passes to Club Northwest. Consequently, we have done a lot of swimming the past few weeks. We went swimming on my birthday and then had the Goff's over for games and pizza. We played "Jungle Jive" which is a fun game with a motion sensor that detects just how graceful you can jive. We ate, played, and the best part... went to bed before 10:00pm. Yes, yes, it is New Year's Eve. Yes, yes it is one of the 3 birthday's Jonathan hasn't had to work since we've been married. Yes, yes, I am an old fodder-dudder. Yes, yes I love it that way.

31 reasons I love me:

1. I have a lot of grey hair
2. I like to drive in silence. No radio please.
3. I don't like to watch movies
4. I prefer khaki's over levi's
5. I am a RAD boy making machine
6. I like dried plums
7. I'm a fan of fiber
8. I don't like to drink pop
9. When I do turn on noise Jenny Oaks Baker is my #1 choice usually always
10. I love listening to Conference talks on my iPad when I cook dinner
11. I hate stepping on crumbs, therefore I wear slippers ALWAYS
12. I don't like critters inside. I shed enough for the whole family
13. I take pride in pigs
14. There are few things I would rather look at than rows of planted crops
15. I love playing the violin and miss it when I don't
16. I love to plant seeds
17. I am fascinated by genetics and microbiology
18. I picked Jonathan
19. I hate being late for church
20. I like to sew
21. I like to sit and visit with old people
22. I love Visiting Teaching
23. I am a seeker of joy not fun
24. I like to thank people by their name. If I don't know the bag boy's name I ask him and then thank him specifically by calling him by his name and expressing gratitude. The same is true of any stranger. An expression of gratitude should always accompany a name. My Grandma Olsen taught my father that and he once taught it to me.
25. By #25 I'm out of ideas
26. I really like quiet and stillness
27. When I am alone with my children my mind races but I don't talk a lot. Actually that is something I would change about myself. Talk more, think less.
28. I'm not a fan of frivolity.
29. I'm practical
30. I am modest in the way I dress, always. There is no grey area, no cleavage (heaven help me) no almost modest. Keep it covered. Always.
31. I have always liked me. I like who I am. I like who I am trying to become. I like people. I sincerely don't think I have ever not liked someone. Ever.


Life would cease to exist in our home on several accounts without an abundance of diaper and wipe boxes. The boys are really starting to fine tune their robot expertise. The latest robot attire was carefully designed to ensure full range of motion for all appendages. I was rather impressed. It took some trial and error but the the little masterminds managed to find an intricate design that enabled mobility and visibility. Masters...

Who else would you expect to find in the box? Naturally, Matthew.

A big fat whopin' mess.

But it was raining. And they were BOARD. It was SUPER fun.

A cup of rice,
a teaspoonish of vinegar,
a squirt of food coloring,
ziploc bag,
and a shake-down.

Dyed, dried, and lined up. Ready for heaven only knew what.

Michael ate it.
Framed art

Matthew's fisherman
Adam's rainbow
The floor
Hair and everywhere
Andrew's rainbow mix special

Fish in the sea
Andrew really wanted a train, but it ended up a mountain of tears and his exasperated whimpering, "It's a monster truck, not a train!" I tried.
A dash of this and a sprinkle of that