Sunday, August 28, 2011

You thought we would leave them behind?

As I type there is honey dripping from frames into a bowl in my kitchen. To walk past it and get a scent of that sweet honey and pine frame is incredible. The honey is the sweetest I have ever had... almost too sweet if that is possible. Before breakfast this morning we went out to check on the hives. The frames were full and capped so we snagged a couple to get a few nibbles before we centrifuge the rest of the frames to extract the honey. Wow, so delicious. Wendy and her kids wanted to see the inside of the hives and while we were peeking we cut off a few chucks of comb and chewed on the wax. For some crazy reason my Olsen side of the family has a tradition of making scones when we all get together. We cannot wait to congregate at Darren's with greasy hot scones dripping with butter and sweet, sweet honey.

Yes indeed, the bees came with us to Oregon. The longer I live the nuttier I am beginning to realize I am. I think a lot of it has to do with the man I married. Oh, what he doesn't mange to get us into.

1 comment:

Koreena said...

Mmmmmm! You make my mouth water for honey!