You know having a child is exciting, it is exhilarating and so anticipated. I couldn't be happier to have a perfectly healthy little boy to wrap up in my arms. But along with this small little person flows an abundance of blessings that can be described only as remarkably humbling. To hold a noble and great one and to feel my own life cradled in the hand of the Lord reaffirms the reality of God's plan for us here on earth and the purity of our purposes. Seldom have I felt such peace knowing God is real and I am his daughter, a literal child of God myself living a life filled with His love and blessings. Humbling. Truly humbling.
So - a snitch of the birth story and few of the blessings along the way:
2 Am, 3:30 Am, 4:30 Am contractions, then nothing. 9 AM, 9:30 AM, 10:00 AM... more regular, then less regular, then harder and stronger then nothing. All day on Tuesday was a roller coaster of contractions back and forth in regularity. They were all definitely STRONG contractions but were abundantly lacking in regularity. Around 5 PM when I decided they were coming every 7 to 10 minutes I decided to make some calls and find a place for my children to stay for the night. Adam headed to the Mietzner's in Bloomfield so he could get to school in the morning and Matthew and Andrew to the Grey's in Ottumwa so they would have play friends. We ate dinner and farmed out the kids only to find the contractions were now 20 to 30 minutes apart and not regulating. Jonathan had to be at work Wednesday morning and we really needed to get a baby here before 6 AM. What to do? We headed to the hospital and decided to have them check to see if there was any hope of having a baby within the night. With a little patience and pitocin we managed to get our December 1st baby here at 3:12 AM.
The epidural slowed me down just a titch so I had a few boluses of pitocin to rev up the contractions and with just a couple pushes Mr. Michael was born:
Wednesday evening Jonathan brought the troops up to meet their new little brother. They were so excited to hold and love and kiss him. Andrew was particularly concerned about Michael's belly button. He kept saying "Ow-ee baby button. Ow-ee button."
Awwww! CONGRATULATIONS!! He is absolutely the most perfectly adorable little boy! Is there a story behind his middle name? How nice that you had such a talented anesthesiologist at your disposal! My first one was great, and my second one was terrible at putting it in. Wish I could have Jonathan here for my next one!
Can I just say how much I love reading your posts? You know how with certain members of the Twelve you can't read one of their talks without hearing their voice and inflections? That's how it is for me reading your posts, especially when you include phrases like "we didn't have a lick of family" and other things that are just so you. Love ya!
Niiiiice birth story--so jealous! I hope my next one is that good. Congratulations!
Yea!! He made it. Congratulations Amber!! He's beautiful just like the rest. So happy for you and your sweet family!
How EXCITING and congrats! I can't believe that you got to have your own husband do your epidural...COOL! Your little Michael is a handsome little man, congrats, enjoy him! ;)
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