Monday, August 30, 2010

Three In One Morning... Our Best

Matthew perched and concentrating very hard as one by one the monarchs crawled up his arms and neck to take flight from his head.

With all of our butterfly hatching three emerging on the same morning was our best. We only had one cocoon that didn't survive to become a butterfly. All the others made it. I was surprised how many we actually saw metamorphose. It makes me feel a little more guilty smashing butterflies with my car now that I know the effort required to become one. It has been an amazing miracle for all of us to watch egg after egg hatch, grow, spin, sit, and emerge. I have a feeling we may have a few more rounds of this in the years to come.


Sandi said...

Wow, that is just amazing!

Koreena said...

Love that they're just crawling on the boys. What awesome memories this experience will be for them! I love that you let your kids be kids. I need to do better at that. The world can be such a marvelous place if I give them the time to discover it like you do.